Scientific Program - Rehabilitation

Please see below the CONy Scientific Program. Please click on the appropriate section (ordered by ABC) to view the relevant program. Please note that the program and timing is subject to change. To view the program timetable, please click here
Alzheimer's disease & other Dementias | Epilepsy | Headache | History of Neurology in Poland |
Multiple Sclerosis | Neuroimmunology | Neuropathy |
Rehabilitation | Stroke | Wilson's disease |
Rehabilitation Section Heads: Dafin Muresanu, Romania & Jozef Opara, Poland |
07:00-07:50 | E-Poster Presentations | ||
08:30-10:30 |
Chair: Sadagat Huseynova, Azerbaijan & Puneet Kumar, India | |||
08:30-09:35 | Biomarkers are more precise as the outcome measure in neurorehabilitation soon after stroke than clinical parameters. | ||
Capsule: | Biochemical markers of brain damage, e.g. stroke, should reflect the volume of irreversibly damaged brain parenchyma and the clinical outcome in order to allow estimation of prognosis at an early stage.Serum biomarkers related to the cascade of inflammatory, hemostatic, glial and neuronal perturbations have been identified to diagnose and characterize intracerebral hemorrhage and cerebral ischemia. There is an ongoing debate about the best outcome measure in neurorehabilitation after stroke: Biochemical markers or clinical parameters? | ||
08:30-08:40 |
Host: Dafin Muresanu, Romania
08:40-09:00 |
Biochemical: Jozef Opara, Poland
09:00-09:20 |
Clinical: Iwona Sarzyńska-Długosz, Poland
09:20-09:35 |
Discussion and Rebuttals
09:35-10:40 | Is physiotherapy helpful in functional motor disorders? | ||
Capsule: | Disabled people who experienced traumatic events resulting in various
disabilities are admitted usually to a Rehabilitation Center. However, some of
them are later diagnosed as having Conversion Disorder . We believe that their
participation in active regular and integrative rehabilitation process beneficial? |
09:35-09:45 |
Host: Nestor Galvez- Jimenez, USA
09:45-10:05 |
Yes: Avi Ohry, Israel
10:05-10:25 | No: Tanya Simuni, USA | ||
10:25-10:40 |
Discussion and Rebuttals | ||
11:00-11:45 | Meet the Expert sessions |