Welcome remarks and invitation to CONy 2017
Victor Oliveira, Portugal |
Welcome remarks and invitation to CONy 2017
Marinos Dalakas, Greece |
Egas Moniz and his role in 20th century neurology
Victor Oliveira, Portugal |
Can the brain be really understood?
Richard Frackowiak, Switzerland |
Redefining neurological diseases through epigenetics
Tiago Fleming Outeiro, Germany |
Presentation of the CONy "Excellence in Neurology" Award
Sergiu Blumen, Israel and Bernard Brais, Canada |
A tribute to Fernando Tomé
Michel Fardeau, France
Beyond the horizon series |
Guy Rouleau, Canada |
Lou Caplan, USA |
George Perry, USA |
Lea Grinberg, USA/Brazil |
Epilepsy disease
Michael Sperling, USA |
Huntington's disease
Cristina Sampaio, USA |
Amos D. Korczyn, Israel |
Host: Uroš Rot, Slovenia |
No: Friedemann Paul, Germany |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: My MRI worsened butI didn''t. Should I change my disease-modifying treatment? |
Host: Jera Kruja, Albania |
Yes: Friedemann Paul, Germany |
No: Jacek Losy, Poland |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Is vitamin D a substantial disease modifier in patients with MS? |
Host: Jera Kruja, Albania |
Yes: Friedemann Paul, Germany |
No: Jacek Losy, Poland |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Does the risk of PML associated with certain DMT limit their use and offset their potential efficacy? |
Host: Veronica Popescu, Belgium |
No: Antonio Uccelli, Italy |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Proposition: Patients with radiologically isolated demyelinating syndrome should be considered for MS disease modifying therapy |
Host: Xavier Montalban, Spain |
Yes: David Leppert, Switzerland |
No: Brian Weinshenker, USA |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Should disease-modifying therapies be stopped in patients who have developed secondary progressive MS? |
Host: Zsolt Illes, Denmark |
Yes: Abhijit Chaudhuri, UK |
No: Jacek Losy, Poland |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Anti B cell or non specific anti B+T therapy |
Host: Mark Freedman, Canada |
Pro Anti B+T: Bruno Gran, UK |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Can we expect long-term clinical improvement through remyelination? |
Host: David Leppert, Switzerland |
Yes: Olaf Stüve, USA |
No: Abhijit Chaudhuri, UK |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Role of exosomes/miRNA in mediating recovery after stroke and traumatic brain injury
Michael Chopp, USA |
Post-stroke cerebral reorganization
Jay P. Mohr, USA |
Late-Onset Dementias and Alzheimer''s Desease: Can they be prevented
Lefkos T. Middleton, Great Britain |
Is AD caused by viral infection?
Ruth Itzhaki, UK |
Debate: Is beta-amyloid still a relevant target in AD therapy? |
Host: Michael Geschwind, USA |
No: Amos Korczyn, Israel |
Discussion and rebuttal |
Debate: Is imaging of tau the preferable marker of cognitive impairment in AD? |
No: Giancarlo Logroscino, Italy |
Debate: Dementia with Lewy bodies and PD dementia: Part of one continuum or two distinct entities? |
Host: Lefkos T. Middleton, UK |
Continuum: Laura Parkkinen, UK |
Distinct entities: Robert Perneczky, UK |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Amyotropic laterial sclerosis (ALS) with frontotemporal deficits and FTD - a spectrum or separate entity?
Host: Roger Bullock, UK |
Spectrum: Lea Grinberg, USA/Brazil |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Does chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) exist? |
Host: Giancarlo Logroscino, Italy |
Yes: George Perry, USA |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Is NPH over-diagnosed? |
Host: Jaime Kulisevsky, Spain |
Yes: Michael Geschwind, USA |
No: Irena Rektorova, Czech Republic |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Does corticobasal degeneration ganglionic (CBGD) exist as a clinico-pathological entity? |
Host: Ricardo Taipa, Portugal |
Yes: Néstor Gálvez-Jiménez, USA |
No: Lea Grinberg, USA/Brazil |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Vagus nerve stimulation: Headache and beyond
Stephen Silberstein, USA |
Proposition: Carbamazepine (CBZ) is an outmoded drug and should never be used as a first-line therapy |
Host: João Chaves, Portugal |
Pro: Martin Brodie, UK |
Con: Cigdem Ozkara, Turkey |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Can we predict with reasonable confidence which patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) will remit? |
Yes: Elinor Ben Menachem, Sweden |
No: Martin Holtkamp, Germany |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Should we regularly check for autoimmune causes in patients with refractory epilepsy without other obvious causes? |
Host: Ilan Blatt, Israel |
No: William Theodore, USA |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Can the Wada test be replaced by fMRI and other techniques? |
Host: Isabel Santana, Portugal |
Yes: Michael Sperling, USA |
No: Cigdem Ozkara, Turkey |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Should combination therapy be used after failure of monotherapy with one or two antiepileptic drugs? |
Host: Manjari Tripathi, India |
Yes: Martin Brodie, UK |
No: Elinor Ben Menachem, Sweden |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Should responsive neurostimulation be offered in preference to other forms of neurostimulation when a well defined focus is known? |
Host: Michael Sperling, USA |
Yes: Michael Sperling, USA |
No: Martin Holtkamp, Germany |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Should non-convulsive status epilepticus be treated aggressively? |
Host: Ivan Rektor, Czech Republic |
Yes: Manjari Tripathi, India |
No: Ilan Blatt, Israel |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Moderators: Francisco Sales, Portugal & Michael Sperling, USA |
Shifting the paradigm in brain protection and recovery
Dafin Muresanu, Romania |
Debate: Is the improvement of MAO-B inhibitors clinically relevant? |
Yes: Laszlo Vecsei, Hungary |
No: Spiros Konitsiotis, Greece |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Should PD patients with pre-existing impulsive-compulsive behavior (ICB) be actively selected for dopamine agonist treatments? |
Host: Heinz Reichmann, Germany |
Yes: Per Odin, Sweden |
No: Angel Sesar, Spain |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Proposition: Therapies targeting alpha-synuclein will be the treatment of choice in PD |
Host: Heinz Reichmann, Germany |
Yes: Dieter H. Meier, USA |
No: Ruggero G. Fariello, Italy |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Prion-like spreading is a relevant theory for neurodegenerative diseases |
Host: George Perry, USA |
No: Amos Korczyn, Israel |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Do COMT inhibitors have a future? |
Host: Alfonso Fasano, Canada |
Yes: Joaquim Ferreira, Portugal |
No: Ubaldo Bonuccelli, Italy |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Duodopa vs. Apomorphine pumps vs. DBS in advanced PD |
Duodopa: Per Odin, Sweden |
Apomorphine pump: Fabrizio Stocchi, Italy |
DBS: Ovidiu Bajenaru, Romania |
Discussion and rebuttals |
Debate: Ultrasound brain lesioning for the treatment of movement disorders? |
Yes: Jose Obeso, Spain |
No: Néstor Gálvez-Jiménez, USA |
Discussion and rebuttals |