General Information

Lisbon, Portugal Venue Sana Lisboa Hotel Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo 8 1069-310 Lisbon, Portugal Tel: 00351-210064300 Website: Dates
March 17-20, 2016 Language
English is the official language of the Congress. Travelling to Lisbon Lisbon is easy to get to. It is a short flight away from most European cities, and is just as easily accessible by road or by railway. BY AIR
Lisboa International Airport, 7 km from the city centre, has daily flights to and from the major cities in Europe and the world. The Portuguese airline TAP - Air Portugal, as well as major international airlines, flies to and from Lisbon. BY ROAD
Arriving in Lisbon by road is a pleasant experience, as the visitor can enjoy the beautiful countryside along the way. The city has good road accesses and the most frequently used routes are: the A1 motorway, the 25th April Bridge, the new Vasco da Gama Bridge, and the CREL, the outer ring-road for the Lisboa region. BY RAIL
Scores of national and international trains arrive in Lisbon every day. In addition to Santa Apolónia terminal station, the city now has the new Gare do Oriente, which opened in 1998 adjacent to the Parque das Nações. Both stations have direct bus or underground connections to the city center. Accommodation
Comtec is the official travel agent for the 10th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy), and will be offering specially reduced rates for accommodation Passport and Visa
Kindly note that some countries maintain that all visitors must hold a passport that is valid for at least 6 months from the date they enter the foreign country. Please check your status before issuing airline ticket. As Portugal is part of the European Union, many visitors can enter the EU countries without a visa. A valid ID card or a passport is all you need to enter Lisbon. However, some participants may also require a visa to enter Portugal. Check with the Portuguese Embassy or Consulate in your own country whether you need a visa. Information about visa requirements can be found on the World Travel Guide website: Safety
Lisbon is considered a very safe city but you should take normal, sensible precautions to avoid mugging, bag snatching and pick pocketing. You should be extra vigilant at airports and railway stations. Do not leave valuables unattended. Most shops and all major taxi companies accept credit and debit cards, so there is no need to carry a lot of cash. Shopping Most street shops in Lisbon open from 9h-10h, and often close at around 19h. Some offices and smaller businesses close for lunch, usually between 13h-15h. The shopping malls open their doors at 10h and only close at midnight. Their large supermarkets however, close Sunday afternoons at 13h. On Saturdays, small shops generally open between 9h-13h, and are closed on Sundays. Most restaurants open between 19h-20h, and stay open until past 23h or midnight. Lunch times vary, with some opening at around 11h or 12h and serving until about 14h30-15h. All close for one day during the week, often on Sunday or Monday. Cafés are usually open from 7h in the morning onwards. Currency
The local currency is the Euro (€). Credit cards / Cash machines
All major credit cards are accepted widely, but not everywhere. If in doubt, ask in advance. Cash-on-card services are available from selected American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and VisaCard addresses. These cards are also accepted by all GWK currency exchange outlets and Change Express Offices. VAT
Value added tax (Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado - IVA) is paid at the time of purchase of a product or service. It is paid by everyone and there is no distinction between residents and non-residents. There are three levels of VAT for mainland Portugal, Madeira and Azores. More information can be found on Customs
Please consult the Portuguese Customs Regulations: Clothing and Climate
Informal for all occasions. Lisbon lies in both the Atlantic and Mediterranean climatic zones, thereby enjoying a pleasantly temperate climate year-round, with average temperatures in spring of 13°C (55°F) to 17°C (63°F). Electricity
The electrical supply in Portugal is 220-230 Volts and the sockets are EU-standard. If travelling from countries outside of EU please check if you need an adapter and/or transformer. Liability and Travel Insurance
A travel insurance policy to cover theft, loss and medical problems is recommended. The Organizing Secretariat as well as CONy will not be held liable for illness, accidents or thefts suffered by Participants during the Congress or their stay in Lisbon before, during or after the Congress. Participants are strongly recommended to seek insurance coverage for health and accident, lost luggage and trip cancellation. Congress Secretariat Please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat if you require any additional information or assistance. Please address all correspondence to: |