E-Poster schedule |

Friday, April 12

Hall A - Stroke - starts at 06:45
E-Poster presentations to be guided by:
M. Chopp, USA; L Csiba, Hungary; J. Norris, UK

Hall B - Headache & Pain
E-Poster presentations to be guided by:
M. Ashina, Denmark; W. Kozubski, Poland; D. Mitsikostas, Greece

Hall C - Movement disorders & Motor neuron disease
E-Poster presentations to be guided by:
A. Antonini, Italy; N. Bharucha, India; C. Falup- Pecurariu, Romania

Hall D - Multiple Sclerosis
E-Poster presentations to be guided by:
A. Chaudhuri, UK; E. Havrdova, Czech Republic; J. Losy, Poland

Saturday, April 13

Hall A - Miscellaneous
E-Poster presentations to be guided by:
V. Golyk, Ukraine; K. Müller, Germany; B.O. Popescu, Romania

Hall B - Dementia & Alzheimer's disease
E-Poster presentations to be guided by:
P. Giannakopoulos, Switzerland; O. Tanridag, Turkey

Hall C - Epilepsy
E-Poster presentations to be guided by:
E. Beghi, Italy; P. Boon, Belgium; V. Donath, Slovakia