CONy Debates
featured in issues of the Journal of Neural Transmission
STREIFLER, J. (2011). “Asymptomatic carotid stenosis: intervention or just stick to medical therapy – The case for medical therapy”, JNT, Vol. 10-00241R1, January 21st.
HIRT, L. (2011). “Controversies in Neurology: Asymptomatic carotid stenosis: intervention or just stick to medical therapy. The Argument for Carotid Endarterectomy”, JNT, Vol. 10-00012R1, January 21st.
SCHMIDT, D. (2010). “AED discontinuation may be dangerous for seizure-free patients”, JNT, Vol. 10-00026R1, February 2nd.
BEGHI, E. (2010). “AED discontinuation may not be dangerous in seizure-free patients”, JNT, Vol. 10-00032R1, February 2nd.
BERG, D. (2010). “Substancia nigra hyperechogenicity is a risk marker for PD”, JNT, Vol. 10-00158R1, December 12th.
WALTER, U. (2010). “Substancia nigra hyperechogenicity is a risk marker for PD”, JNT, Vol. 10-00162R1, December 8th.
SHEVEL, E. (2010). “The extracranial vascular theory of migraine – An artificial controversy”, JNT, Vol. 10-00165, October 19th.
VECSEI, L. (2010). “Migraine is a neuronal disease”, JNT, Vol. 10-00013, October 19th.
REKTOROVA, I. (2011). “Mild cognitive impairment exists in Parkinson’s disease”, JNT, Vol. 00088R1, June 8th.
KULISEVSKY, J. (2011). “Is all cognitive impairement in Parkinson’s disease ‘Mild Cognitive Impairment’?”, JNT, Vol. 11-00052R1, June 8th.
HILKER, R. (2010). “What is the best treatment for fluctuating Parkinson’s disease: continuous drug delivery or deep brain stimulation of the subthalamicnucleus”, JNT, Vol. 10-00105R1, December 6th.
CHABARDES, S. (2010). “High Frequency Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic nucleus versus continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion therapy: a review”, JNT, Vol. 10-00106, December 6th.
AMES, D. (2011). “Are we treating AD too late? No we are not”, JNT, Vol. 11-00001, June 6th.