The World Congress on Controversies in Neurology

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The World Congress on Controversies in Neurology
The World Congress on Controversies in Neurology
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Preliminary Program2


Session:     tPA in Stroke
Capsule:     tPA makes an important contribution to stroke therapy, but only a few benefit. How can we extend  the value?

·          Intra-arterial tPA

·          Treatment beyond the 3 hours

·          Treatment of stroke in evolution

·          Newer agents    


Session:     Interventions in stroke prevention

Capsule:     Data on pharmacologic and interventional means to prevent recurrent strokes are meager and

·          Does addition of dipyridamole and clopidogrel offer significant protection in patients who failed aspirin?


Debate: Testing for right-to-left cardiac shunt

Debate: Carotid endarterectomy is better than carotid stenting



Multiple Sclerosis (MS)


Session:             Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Capsule:             Many people believe that MS is a syndrome rather than a single nosologic entity. The role of auto-immune processes is also still problematic, and has important implications for therapy.


Debate: MS is a single nosologic entity due to an auto-immune mechanism
 ·          Weak points in MS diagnosis

Debate:             Is MS a central or peripheral disease?


Session:             Treatments strategies for MS

Capsule:             Many issues regarding when and how to start treatment and what are the future          avenues are not clear!

·          When to start: CIS - To treat or not to treat?        How to start: Induction vs. Escalation.


Session:             MS- Switching between treatments

Capsule:             When and based on what should we switch between treatments in MS patients?

·          Role of Clinical and MRI parameters

·          Role of Biomarkers and Neutralizing Antibodies

·          New players: The Natalizumab/Tysabri experience: Risk vs. benefit


Session:             Symptomatic Therapy

Capsule:             While disease modifying therapies are widely encouraged, little evidence is available regarding symptomatic treatments.

·          Anti-spasticity drugs

·          Treatment of fatigue

·          Therapy of pseudobulbar symptoms


Debate: Is stem cells-based therapy a realistic clinical option for MS patients?


Parkinson’s Disease (PD)


Session:             Pathogenesis of PD

Capsule:             In spite of much research, the pathogenesis of PD is still contested. Is there one cause that can be thought of as initiating the cascade?

·          PD is a mitochondrial dysfunction disease

·          PD is due to synuclein dysfunction

·          Is PD a ferrinopathy?

·          Olfactory dysfunction in early PD suggests that the disease is caused by a toxin


Session:             PD: Motor aspects

Capsule:             How can we control the motor complications in PD?

·          DBS vs apomorphine infusions in complicated PD

·          Is DBS ready for early PD?

·          Spheramine–cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease


Session:             Early PD

Capsule:             Continuous dopaminergic stimulation in early PD may best prevent the development of motor complications

·          Is continuous dopaminergic therapy really important in the initial stages of PD?

·          L-Dopa + COMT inhibitors

·          Transdermal agonists

·          Are rasagiline and selegiline neuroprotective?

·          Is L-Dopa still allowed as initial therapy for PD?


Session:             PD: non-motor aspects

Capsule:             Non dopaminergic symptoms may be more relevant than DA-responsive motor symptoms in PD

·          The treatment of depression in PD patients

·          Is dementia inevitable in PD?

·          Compulsive behaviour is the most significant adverse event due to dopaminergics

·          Daytime somnolence in PD – How to avoid and how to treat?





Session:             Neurofibromatosis 2


Debate:             Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2)


Capsule:             The relative benefits of radiosurgery and conventional operations is not yet clear


Debate: Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2)



Neuroprotection and neuroplasticity


Session:             Neuroprotection and neuroplasticity

·          The role of the blood brain barrier in neuroprotection and neuroregeneration


Debate:             "Neuroprotection and neuroplasticity - a dualistic vision of a continuous process"    





Session:             Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

Capsule:             VNS has been confirmed as effective therapy in resistant epilepsy

·          Should VNS precede temporal lobectomy?

·          Is VNS effective in resistant epilepsy?

·          Other indications for VNS


Session:             What to do after failure of 2 AED’s?

·          Try a third drug

·          Implant VNS       

·          Proceed to surgery


Debate: Monotherapy drug trials are unethical and should not be performed


Capsule:             Many are being done, yet the ethics are often questioned


Debate: Benign Rolandic epilepsy of childhood is not a benign condition


Capsule:             Some data suggests occasional serious complications, yet many do not treat patients with this condition





Session:             Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Capsule:             Dementia typically develops insidiously. An intermediate stage between normal aging and dementia termed mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is still not well understood nor generally accepted.


Debate: Is MCI a useful concept?


Session:             A Cure for AD
Capsule:                  Because beta-amyloid is a hallmark of Alzheimer disease, attempts are being made
                                to eliminate this protein. One of the new methods to achieve this is through anti-
                                amyloid immunization, while a competitive method is by inhibition of APP-cleaving enzymes.


Debate: Immunization will cure AD


·          BACE inhibition is the solution


Debate:             Treatment of dementia with ChEI’s is appropriate


Debate:             “Vascular cognitive impairment” is a misleading concept.


Session:             Autoimmune dementia

Capsule:             In addition to the common causes of dementia, some patients are thought to have an underlying autoimmune mechanism. When should these be considered and how should they be treated?

·          Hashimoto (dysthyroid) encephalopathy

·          Potassium channel antibody encephalopathy

·          Anticardiolipin antibodies

Session:             Cognitive Training

Capsule:             Several studies demonstrate that education and involvement in intellectually demanding activities protect against dementia.


Debate: Cognitive training is useful in older people with memory impairment



Psychogenic disorders


Session:             Psychogenic neurological disorders

Capsule:             Clinicians are still facing frequent difficulties in differentiating “organic” from “functional” disorders.


·          Is psychogenic dystonia a valid diagnosis?

·          Vertigo as a psychogenic disorder

·          Is Regional Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)–dystonia an organic disease?

·          Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures – can they be diagnosed by any neurologist?

·          Can they be treated by neurologists? 





Session:             Headache

Capsule:             Migraine and tension headache are the most common types of headache, and probably the most common neurological disorders. None has a biomarker.


·          Is the distinction between these two entities justified?

·          Are all triptans similar?             

·          Is botulinum toxin effective in headache?

·          Whether PFO is important to close in migraine


Session:             Neurostimulation

Capsule:             Deep brain stimulation is a useful treatment for movement disorders, its use for other indications is not established.


Debate: DBS can be helpful in other disorders, such as chronic pain, epilepsy and depression.



Autoimmune diseases


Session:             Myasthenia Gravis

Capsule:             The pathogenesis of “antibody-negative” myasthenia is still unclear. What is the role of antibodies against non-cholinergic targets? The role of thymectomy in the treatment of myasthenia is also still controversial.

·          The spectrum of anti-musk antibodies


Debate: Thymectomy should be offered in late-onset MG

Movement Disorders
Session:             Parkinsonian syndromes

Capsule:             Movement disorders with Parkinsonian features have been diagnosed using different methods, using different criteria, but the basic question remains of the nosologic entities underlying these neurodegenerative diseases.

·          SPECT imaging in the differential diagnosis of Parkinsonian syndromes


Debate: Are PSP and CBGD the same disease?


Session:             Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

Capsule:             RLS is one of the most common neurological disorders affecting quality of life.


·          Is RLS very common?       

·          When to suspect RLS?

·          Which treatments are most effective for RLS?

·          Are PLMS and RLS the same disorder?

·          Which treatment best avoids augmentation?



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